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City of Santa Cruz - 2nd District
Sonja Brunner
Question 1:
The Regional Transportation Commission owns the rail corridor. The RTC has unanimously affirmed its commitment to institute high capacity public transit service on the Santa Cruz Branch Line.
Do you support implementing electric passenger rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line?
Why or why not? How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected?
I have supported alternate modes of transportation, safe routes and infrastructure, and rail and transit opportunities along the rail corridor to increase commuting options around the city and between north and south county. I supported Rail Trail Segments 6 & 7 and look forward to the next Rail Trail Segments 8 & 9 completion, which runs through City District 2. My vision for the rail corridor includes some type of electric passenger and/or freight rail, plus a bicycle, roller skating and pedestrian path along the rail to help create safe and alternate ways of commuting and exercising.
Question 2:
Construction has begun on the trail next to the tracks, but some segments have faced opposition and resulting delays.
Do you support building a trail next to the tracks from Davenport to Watsonville?
How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected? What will you say to your constituents about this project?
I have publicly supported this work, and shared information and links to constituents.
Question 3:
Neighborhoods with safe streets, bike lanes, and sidewalks create room for us to move freely without our cars.
Do you support improved street infrastructure to protect pedestrians and cyclists?
How would you support or prioritize projects, policies and funding to improve safety and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists?
I have supported safe bike lanes and sidewalks, addition of bike lanes, protected bike lanes, or other safety improvements, and initiatives such as Slow Streets and Safe Routes to school. I will continue to work with city staff and those organizations committed to creating an environment where riding a bike, or walking, is a safe, easy way to get around in Santa Cruz. I have supported GO Santa Cruz and BCycle bike share, and will continue to focus on implementing improved safety measures on our streets, prioritizing those specific areas with higher incidents. For example, last year I prioritized the Cayuga St. striping after meetings with neighbors, concerns with speeding, and multiple accidents including a fatality. I also support opportunities for traffic safety grants that deliver innovative options and help eliminate fatalities and injuries on our roadways, and promote safe behaviors when walking or biking.
Question 4:
The June 2022 Greenway Measure D sought to “rail bank” and tear up the tracks for a trail only.
Did you oppose the June 2022 Ballot Measure D?
What do you think are the implications of the 73% defeat of measure D?
To continue progress towards rail and trail options.
Question 5:
The California Coastal Commission recognizes the value of both freight and passenger rail in the coastal zone for environmental and coastal access reasons. Freight rail capability is important infrastructure for disaster preparedness and recovery
Do you support preserving freight rail capacity on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line?
How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected?
Would also like to learn more about options and data on this to determine next steps.
Question 1:
The Regional Transportation Commission owns the rail corridor. The RTC has unanimously affirmed its commitment to institute high capacity public transit service on the Santa Cruz Branch Line.
Do you support implementing electric passenger rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line?
Why or why not? How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected?
I lean to support the Corridor as long as it meets the public needs of public transportation and as long as such public needs are communicated to District 2 residents, since some of this infrastructure will be built in District 2 and District 2 will be greatly affected by this. The Soquel Ave traffic is already inflated as it is, and offering public transportation alternatives will remediate this. I am always open to be more educated on this issue since its a complicated one that I am seeking to fully understand.
Question 2:
Construction has begun on the trail next to the tracks, but some segments have faced opposition and resulting delays.
Do you support building a trail next to the tracks from Davenport to Watsonville?
How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected? What will you say to your constituents about this project?
I will be supportive of this project and I will listen to all of the concerns that my constituents have on this matter. I will communicate to my community that South County workers contribute to the local economy of the City of Santa Cruz, and that greater transportation options will benefit South County workers who are predominantly Latinx. This will bridge and unite Santa Cruz County much closer and our Watsonville brothers and sisters need a project like this to make transportation more equitable for all.
Question 3:
Neighborhoods with safe streets, bike lanes, and sidewalks create room for us to move freely without our cars.
Do you support improved street infrastructure to protect pedestrians and cyclists?
How would you support or prioritize projects, policies and funding to improve safety and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists?
I would propose the creation of neighborhood councils and these neighborhood councils will actively collaborate on the needs of their streets, and they will propose speed bumps, added stop signs, narrower roads, wider pedestrian and bicycling lanes, street lights, pavement fillings, etc. to the City Council as a policy recommendation, which would be determined and hopefully passed under the consideration of the City Council so safe streets can be maintained. I will act as the mediator so all of my constituents concerns are heard and amplified. I will also advocate on a statewide level added funding for city infrastructure and secure grants to bring this change to the City, I will seek to be a statewide organizer in this capacity, putting the needs of Santa Cruz 2nd District first. We will be putting community first and involving our neighbors in the local political process, rather than determine these choices through closed study sessions as previous council-members have done.
Question 4:
The June 2022 Greenway Measure D sought to “rail bank” and tear up the tracks for a trail only.
Did you oppose the June 2022 Ballot Measure D?
What do you think are the implications of the 73% defeat of measure D?
It is clear that the people want a rail and trail to connect North County with South County. The Rail and the Trail are both imperative so Black and Brown Communities that are living in South County can have access to North County, most South County workers are service workers and working class folks that contribute to our economy, and the community has voted to serve the needs of all minoritized communities living in not only the City, but also in Watsonville and Pajaro Valley. The community's need and want for innovative change is the implication of the defeat of Measure D.
Question 5:
The California Coastal Commission recognizes the value of both freight and passenger rail in the coastal zone for environmental and coastal access reasons. Freight rail capability is important infrastructure for disaster preparedness and recovery
Do you support preserving freight rail capacity on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line?
How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected?
Enhancing rail infrastructure is key to easing congestion and lowering carbon emissions in transportation. Yet, a comprehensive strategy must also address the environmental impact of off-road equipment and service vehicles, emphasizing the importance of sustainable alternatives. Balancing practical needs with environmental goals is crucial for an effective de-carbonization approach.
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